As such, beginners might find the steep learning curve to be quite overwhelming at first. If you're interested in the project, just note that the project was made for developers and advanced users. The last two components are the Maps API and Store, a frontend app that allows you to download and update Google Play Store applications and games. For Wi-Fi- and Cell-tower-based geolocation to applications that use Google’s network location provider, you have the Unified Network Location Provider component. Meanwhile, the Services Framework Proxy is used for apps developed for Google Cloud services. The Service Core is for applications that require Google Play Service and the Google Maps API.

MicroG has made tremendous strides in developing the components needed to replace Google's own. Various security and usability concerns have been brought up over Android through the years, and these have given way to independent projects like microG to be born. It is an essential API that allows Google-based services and various applications to communicate with one another to function properly.

In a nutshell, microG is a free and open-source alternative to the set of proprietary libraries that Google provides to be able to use Google Play Services on Android devices.